Ellis Amburn books

Ellis Amburn books

about Ellis Amburn

Ellis Amburn worked as a reporter-researcher at Newsweek before becoming a book editor at Putnam, where he edited Jack Kerouac, John Le Carre, William Golding, Edward Albee, and Paul Gallico. He was also editor-in-chief at Delacorte and William Morrow, and edited/collaborated on books by Shelley Winters, Sammy Davis, Jr., Lana Wood, and with Priscilla Presley on her #1 national bestseller Elvis and Me. Mr. Amburn is the author of The Sexiest Man Alive: A Biography of Warren Beatty; Dark Star: The Roy Orbison Story; Pearl: The Obsessions and Passions of Janis Joplin; Buddy Holly; and Subterranean Kerouac.


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